Quick Tips

Many people are visual thinkers, so a visual reminder is invaluable. Put them where you can't help but notice them!

Never go up or down stairs empty-handed. There's always something that needs to be put away. If you're going anyway, then multi-task!

When sorting, always label boxes so that you never have to think twice about where to put something.

Develop the habit of always putting things back where they belong when you're done with them. We know that's not always possible, so schedule some "tidy up" time each day or week to stay on top of things.

1: is the information easily found again? 2: Any next steps with this paper? 3: Under what circumstances would I need it? 4: Must I keep it for tax backup? 5: What's the worst thing that would happen if I didn't have it?

The first thing people usually do is buy containers, but it often doesn't work out. You need to know what you're storing and where you're storing it to make sure to make it work.

1: Do I love it? 2: Do I need it? 3: What's the worst thing that would happen if I didn't have it? 4: Do I have other things that are very similar? 5: Do I have enough space so that it can have a home?

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